Grain Bin Safe Entry Tips

Grain Bin Safe EntryEvery year we hear about tragedies and injuries in grain bins. Grain storage continues to get larger and large bins are used regularly on farms and commercial agriculture businesses. They are a necessary piece of equipment, but safety needs to be top of mind whenever entering a grain bin. Make safe entry a priority.

Some bins can hold billions of bushels of grain. There are moving parts, entrapment and fall possibilities. There are best practices and safety guidelines in place for proper entry of grain bins. Always be cautious and aware of the situation. AgriNews recently shared an informative article featuring five steps to be safe with grain bin entry.

Read this article from AgriNews for 5 Steps for Safe Grain Bin Entry.


Safety Training, Safe EntrySafety First

At K & S Millwrights safety is very important. All our staff are thoroughly trained on appropriate grain storage entry procedures. We also hold annual safety trainings to keep everyone updated on the latest advancements and to keep things fresh in their minds.

Learn about the K & S approach to safety.

Safety Daily at K & S Millwrights

Safety is a top priority here at K & S Millwrights. We take it very serious in all aspects of our business, during every job, whether it is a large grain storage construction project or a quick onsite repair. There are multiple ways we provide training to our employees and ensure safety is top priority for everyone.

  • CPR/First Aid/Defibulator certified employees
  • Safety policy reviews annually
  • Forklift certifications
  • AWAIR safety program
  • Monthly safety toolbox talks
  • Emergency action plan
  • Safety committee that consists of six employees and management
  • The OSHA 10-Hour course for all members of the safety committee
  • Certified Crane Operators and other employee’s that are certified in the Fundamentals of Rigging, Rigging Inspections and being a Signal Person
  • A Drug-free work place – with pre-employment testing before hiring and a quarterly random inspection company wide
  • Personal protective equipment is required at all times for our employees

K&S Company, Safety First

Annual Safety Training

Once a year we have a company-wide Safety Training Day where we bring in all employees to review standards and precautions, OSHA regulations, job hazards and the previous year, to learn from it. Our 2017 training happened just a few weeks ago, at the end of January. Together, with our insurance company, outside professional resources for our drivers and our drug program, and management, we dedicate an entire day to review and provide demonstrations on topics and products our company encounters in the scope of their business day. We take the time to ensure every employee understands the importance of safety in their every day job, avoid complacency with routine jobs and understand that one poor choice can have large consequences.

While we have this big event once a year, there are many smaller trainings and reviews completed throughout the year through toolbox talks. We also use resources through the college, MN DOT, our insurance company and other outside professional companies to train our employee’s and make them aware of the importance of this piece of their job.

Crane Certifications

Crane and Boom Trucks. Safety Training.K & S Millwrights has certified crane operators on staff. Recently we had five employees complete a 4-day education process which is done for new certifications and to be re-certified once their current license expires. The 4 days include classroom education, passing a written test, and a practical test using our mobile cranes and boom trucks. All certifications are done by a nationally accredited crane examiner and follow all OSHA required compliance.

Reasonable Suspicion Training

Operating large equipment requires focus and quick actions. The accident rate for drug users is 60% higher than non-users, which is why K & S Millwrights requires a drug-free workplace. As an employer, we have a legal obligation to provide each of our employees a healthy and safe workplace environment. In January, we had two more of our staff complete the requirements for being trained to exercise a Reasonable Suspicion test, if ever needed. The purpose of this training is to comply with the drug free workplace training requirements and improve our ability to recognize employees under the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs, and to be able to take legal, appropriate action. Along with our pre-employment testing and quarterly random testing, we now have additional staff trained to request Reasonable Suspicion Testing at any time.

On A Daily Basis

K & S Millwrights is dedicated to making sure all employees have the knowledge to keep themselves and their crew member’s safe throughout the day. We understand the situations our employees are working in and make every effort to ensure they understand what is expected of them not only for themselves but also their co-workers, and the consequences their actions may create.

Would you like educated, safety conscious people working on your site? Give K & S Millwrights a call for your next project. Contact us today!

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