Good News! You have plenty of time to take advantage of Winter Discounts, save money, and reserve your spot on our service list for Spring 2015! K&S Millwrights is happy to help our clients plan projects and save money in the process. No matter how large or small your project is, you can save big this December.
How Do Winter Discounts Work?
All your grain handling equipment has discounted pricing specific to the month of December and going through February 2015. Buying the biggest part of your project at a great discounted price means maximum savings on your overall project!
- Discounts end in February 2015
- No minimum or maximum spend
- The percentage (discount) we get as a dealer from the manufacturer gets passed along DIRECTLY to you, our customers.
- December purchases receive higher discounts/savings than later months
- The earlier you buy, means more savings as discounts can, and often do, reduce each consecutive month until discounts end in February.
- Grain Legs, Conveyors, Bins and Dryers – all your major components to your facility have great discounts offered right now!
- Giving us a call now not only means big savings on your project, but it also puts you at the top of our service list come Spring, 2015.
December Winter Discounts
Discounts are subject to change. Check back for updates. Current discounts are as follows:
NECO Dryers 10% off
Sioux Steel Bins 12% off (Early shipment required. Take delivery by March 31, 2015)
Lambton Legs and Conveyors 9% off (Early shipment required. Take delivery by March 31, 2015)