The Minnesota Angleman Syndrome Foundation (ASF) Walk-a-thon was an enormous success! Tyler’s Team alone has raised over $8,000 and the Minnesota walk-a-thon has raised over $30,000 …and donations continue to come in.
Why we ask for your support of ASF each year:
In 2013 the Angelman Syndrome Foudation funded six major research projects, each incredibly impressive in its potential to lead to a powerful intervention or cure. More on ASF funded research can be found here: http://www.angelman.org/research/asf-funded-research/2013-funded-research/. The primary fundraising strategy of the ASF is the annual walk-a-thons that take place across the country each May – in other words, we have YOU to thank for making this research possible. THANK YOU for your donation to the ASF.
What comes next:
All families living with AS continue to just keep-on-keeping-on each day. We continue to provide Tyler with every opportunity afforded to us; we continue to bring energetic & caring PCAs into our home every day to help us manage it all; we continue to pray for all families living with all sorts of unique issues they hadn’t planned for; and we continue to feel grateful for the good health and fortune of all our boys. Each year we will be involved in raising funds to research a cure and each year we’ll keep connecting with you all to make that happen.
THANK YOU for believing, with us, that this all makes a difference.
With appreciation,
Dustin & Kim Rossow and Tyler, Isaac, & Lucas